
Rapunzel, Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair… - How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Friday 15 August 2014

Ever since I cut my bum-length hair when I was 10, I have regretted it! (Apart from that weird phase when I thought a bob would look good on me *shudders*). I’m now 20 and I have tried EVERY possible way to make my hair grow, and I think it’s now at a pretty reasonable length! I’ll add some before and after pictures at the end!

I literally researched everything, watched countless YouTube videos, read articles and just experimented myself! So I thought I’d share my findings, because it’s a question I get asked quite regularly!

Okay, so my first tip is STOP USING HEAT! This might be easier said than done for me, because my hair is naturally straight so I don’t need to straighten it (can’t actually remember the last time I straightened my hair!), but even if your hair isn't straight, embrace your natural hair! I would actual killlllll for wavy/curly hair! I think using less heat definitely helped my hair because I’m no longer damaging it; I used to straighten it every day even if I didn't need to and it did me no good!

Second tip is don’t brush your hair as much. This might sound like a weird one, but try just using your fingers when drying your hair, or if you really MUST brush your hair, use a wide-toothed comb, because this will minimise tugging your hair!

Third tip is to wash your hair less! This is well-known, but I seriously live by it! I used to wash my hair every single day, and I wasn't letting the natural oils in my hair do their thaaang, but now I wash my hair every 2 days, sometimes every 3 days, just using dry shampoo in between!

I also used to take hair, nails and skin supplements that I got from Holland and Barrett; they tasted like fish but definitely did their job! My skin looked much better for it as well!

The thing that I think helped my hair the most is a product I found in Boots! It’s the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment, “for hair that never grows past a certain length”. This is a miracle product! I genuinely believe in this product SO much! It made my hair stop falling out, it made it grow, and it also doubled up as a conditioner and made my hair super silky smooth! It’s pretty inexpensive as well at £7.99 a tub and the tub lasted me for ages!

There’s a tip out there that says you should get your hair cut every so often or your hair won’t grow, and I can say that I haven’t had my hair cut in like a year and a half, and it’s done my hair just fine. I think just as long as you look after your hair, then it’ll grow. Plus it’ll save money at for haircuts!

Before and after pictures, around 2 years in between photos!

Thanks for reading, and if you have any more tips for growing your hair, or even keeping it in good condition, I’d love to hear them!


S x

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