
I've been nominated for the Liebster Award!

Monday 28 July 2014

So I only just recently started blogging, so I’ve only just heard of the Liebster Award as well! I got nominated by Chantelle Louise over at, check out her blog! J
There are some rules that have to be followed and they are:
·         You must link back to the person who nominated you.

·         You must answer the 11 questions that were given to you by the person who nominated you.

·         After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers and give them 11 questions of your choice to answer (must have less than 200 followers)

·         You are not allowed to nominate the person who nominated you. 

·         Make sure you let the nominee's know that they have been nominated and provide a link to your post for them, so they are able to learn about it. 

So these are my answers to the questions that Chantelle Louise provided me with:
1)      Who’s your favourite blogger?
It definitely has to be Zoella, I just love her! She just seems so lovely!

2)      Where would you love to go on holiday to?
Think I’d have to say Mexico! I’ve heard it’s amazing, and my favourite kind of food is Mexican, so imagine the real deal!

3)      What’s your favourite clothing brand?
You probably wouldn’t call it a brand, would you? But literally ALL my clothes are from New Look, so I’d have to say them!

4)      How many times a month do you like to blog?
I only started my blog this month so I guess I can’t really answer this question, but I would like to get at least 4 posts in a month (once a week) if not more!

5)      Who is your idol and why?
As cheesy as it sounds, I think I’d actually have to say my Mum! She’s been through lots of things, and she’s managed to always get through them, all while supporting us all as a family! If I can manage to be half as strong, then I’d be happy!

6)      Who would you not like to be stranded on a desert island with?
Any ex-boyfriend, need I say more?

7)      What is your favourite colour?
Yellow, but I’m loving pastel blue a lot at the moment!
8)      What beauty product could you not live without?
Nail varnish, simply because I hate unpainted nails!

9)      What is your best beauty tip?
Sudocrem is a life saver when it comes to breakouts, it sorts mine out soooo quickly!

10)   What is your favourite film?
This question is so hard for me because I love so many films! If I HAD to choose one, I’d probably say Grease, but then again that’s a musical!

11)   What’s a random fact about you?
I am a type 1 diabetic!

The bloggers that I am nominating for the Liebster Award are:

1)      Cydney Helsdown at
2)      Jenna Louise at
3)      Courtney Womack at
4)      Alex Georgie at
5)      Lauren O’Dowd at
6)      Jennifer Sophie at
7)      Zara at
8)      Zee and B at
9)      Angelika Grigorjeva at
10)   Emily Gardner at
11)   Sarah Barry at

Sorry if any of you guys have already been nominated! But here are my questions for you:

1)      What is the meaning behind your blog name?
2)      What is one item in your wardrobe that you couldn’t live without?
3)      Where is one place you want to visit and why?
4)      Favourite Disney movie?
5)      If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
6)      Favourite song at the moment?
7)      Do you have any hidden talents?
8)      What is your favourite season of the year, and why?
9)      What is your guilty pleasure?
10)   If you could be granted 3 wishes, what would they be?
11)   Which decade would you have liked to have lived in?

Can’t wait to read some of your answers! Thanks again for the nomination!

S x

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